12 de junio de 2011

What's new?

Sorry!!! Since I have ended my first year of college I have been very busy...  I have totally forget my blog!  I don't know why...
对不起! 我以来大学结束我忙得很。我忘记我的博客!

Well, during these days I have bought some new things ^^ 
これらの日間に新い物を買いました ^^
在这些日子里我买了新的东西 ^^

Angelic Pretty cardigan: 12.390 ¥

See the details: the perfect ribbon and the strawberries, 
the sticker present, the hearts and the cute button :)

When it arrives to my house I should pay the duty because the package was retained by customs... T.T 

Dress from ZARA: 19,95 € 
with hearts ♥

Sneakers from South Korea bought in Yesstyle
Very comfortable *O* 
(Stylekelly: 60 € approx)

Skirt from Taiwan bought in Yesstyle too
(Tokyo Fashion brand: 15 € approx)

Jill Stuart Fruit and Rose Hand Cream
bought at Yesstyle too.
(12 € approx)

I prefer upload a photo of me wearing the clothes, but I don't have a mirror or something like that where I can show the clothes with goof quality... Maybe I should looking for my tripod 0(n.n)o

I have seen that a lot of people visit my often this days ^^ 
Thank you very much people of around the world :)
I enjoy see it

What I did yesterday??? You will know it on the next entry ^^ 
It will be soon, in 3 days more or less... I PROMISE!

Remember: feel free to leave a comment ;)

2 comentarios:

  1. woooo marina, quin super nivell de xines! m'agrada molt la roba que t'has comprat, pero sobre tot les sabates!! son una monada!

  2. Que guays les compres!!
    Que bé que tinguis el cardigan, per fi! (>_<)
