25 de febrero de 2011

Los almendros ya han florecido!

On Saturday, as I tell you, I was in Centelles (Girona) in a traditional festival. Early in the morning the activies didn't start yet. I found a cat and I decided took a photos. The owner found it (because it run away from the house) and she ask me to send the photos by mail ^^


Isn't it cute??? I like cats but my father don't let me to have one ;O; He don't like cats.

The weather get worse and the village looks a little bit gloomy...

The street market was good. There was a lot of different thing: dolls, mystic things, typical food... and something things was strange... All the village was decorated like a witche's small town. 
Similar to Halloween.

Medicinal herbal for bronchitis

I bought one doll for me: a pink fairy

My sisters bought this one
Only 10 € each one. So cheap! And hand made :)


Yesterday at morning I went to the university and I have take these two photos. 
The almond tree blossom. I love it :D 


2 comentarios:

  1. ei, quin nivellas de fotos! han quedat molt maques~ sobretot la primera de les flors
    i les nines son molt cuques, aww! i el gatet ;_;

  2. sii, que guays les fotos☆!!
    La nina rosa és molt mona(*´∀`*)
