2 de febrero de 2012

My birthday :D

30th January was my birthday :) 

My sister decorated the house for me and when I arrived from university 
I took photos to remember the day. 

I found this banner in the living room to wish me a "Happy Birthday" in Japanese. 
My friends help her because she doesn't know Japanese (hahaha)

My sister made this cake too ^^ Ok, you don't need to count the candles. I had to blow out hard to put the 20 candles out. 
Many people agreed the cakes was just my style (hahaha)
I love chocolate!!!!! and white and pink part tasted sweet like titbit. She is a good cooker.  

I received a lot of presents, but I'm still waiting some more, so I think next time I'm going to show you all the presents. 

Inside the living room we opened one of this kind of tubes with sparkling confetti *-* 

I like all I received and I enjoyed because people make me feel happy during all the day :)  

5 comentarios:

  1. Que buena pinta que tiene el pastel mmmmmmmmm
    jajajaj xD

    Aun te falta our present :)

  2. Espero hayas tenido un feliz cumple... y si el pastel se ve delicioso * _ * (Ojalá mi hermano se tomara tanta molestia por mi! con suerte me felicita en mis cumples DX)

  3. que maques que han sortit les fotos! i quina bona pinta que fa el pastis!!! segur que estava bonissim~~ el meu regal ya esta listo tambe :) espero que ens veiem aquesta setmana que ve aixi te'l podre donar^^

  4. Que guay el pastís! La teva germana en sap molt (^^)

  5. I didn't know it was your birthday (*>ω<*) Happy Belated Birthday!
    The cake looks so cute! I'm looking forward to see what presents you got☆
